
"V" - series 40-490 kW – широкий ассортимент V-300.22 – купить с доставкой
V-300.22 - фото - 1
Fan coils of the V-100 model are designed for compressors with a main engine power of up to 110 kW. Despite its small size, the V-100 fan coils are equipped with the same set of equipment as the larger standard sizes. The installation is based on two standard heat exchangers (PRT) and two frequency-controlled fans. There is also an irrigation system with its own pump and automation.
Compressor switchgear:<350 kWh
Pump capacity:1100 l/min
RU fan coil:14,6 kWh
Dimensions:2845х1860х2209 mm
Weight:1123 kg
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